March started off in the most horrible way possible. I went with the hubs to his doctor's appointment, --where (good news) we found out 1) you are not infertile unless you've been trying for a year; and 2) all the various worries he had about his health were unnecessary--he is a healthy, robust, 28 year old. So YAY! for that. But the horrible part happened after. We decided, since I didn't need to be at work right away, to treat ourselves to bagels and donuts (still not the bad part, this was also a very good part). The horrible part came when I left my wallet on the counter and took off for L.A. without noticing. As soon as I did, I called the wonderful, but slightly judgmental, bagel lady whose first reaction was "did you check your purse?" (duh!). No luck on the wallet. It was no longer on the counter. This is when my world began to slowly crumble. My license gone. check card, gone. credit cards, gone. fist promise ring given to me by the hubs, gone. social security card, gone (this one kills me because I should know better than to keep that in my wallet!).
I called in to work and spend the day literally getting my life back. Bank. DMV. Social Security Office. All. Day. I know for the most part, things are just things, but the horrible feeling comes from the terrible earthshake that accompanies a loss like this and the realization that my life is shuffled around from place to place in a wallet. A wallet that once gone leaves a very long-lasting sting.