24 September 2010


So September isn't really ruling as much as I had hoped. It's actually been more stressful than August. Luckily it's almost over and October is right around the corner. Let's see if next month's post proves to be more positive.

School is going...well (I suppose) and I don't feel like a total failure, but I can't get over the pretentious bull that coats discussions and that has really bogged me down. Why do people like to hear their own voices so much? I don't get it. I understand that graduate students are working at making a living theorizing about abstractions, but give me a break people, let's act like we are actually trying to communicate on Planet Earth.

I had wanted to move forward and express my creative thoughts through here, especially things having to do with papercutting and photography, but there are not enough hours in the day and I am currently not giving my 100% to anything. Not school, not work, not marriage, not motherhood, and definitely not to myself.

 I need to get out of the habit of going UP and then falling DOWN. Trying really hard to remember that.

One thing I have realized is how important it is to write stuff down. Not only write stuff down, but also be truthful. The thought of actually doing that makes me happy.
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