1. UO via shopstyle, 2. Snoozer Loser, 3. UO via shopstyle
We (the hubs and I) have only ever had one true vacation together; we went to Sedona 4 years ago this April -- a pre-wedding honeymoon that brought us a nice surprise 9 months later. Since we decided to live a little and go to Coachella this year, I am treating our 3 day get-away as a legit vacation. Designating a trip as a legit vacation gives me an excuse to purchase a legit vacation wardrobe and I've decided that my uniform for the 3 days of Coachella will be rompers. It seems practical for the heat we'll have to endure, plus they are totally cute. I have my three favorites already bookmarked for purchase. I should be in a continued monetary confinement, but I figure that a few days of brought-from-home-lunches and extra minutes of over-time will give me just enough to buy these three nifty pieces.