AJT turned three at some point between February 28 and March 1. Born only 1 month and 9 days after Ami, these two have been friends since the true beginning. The party, as all Inglewood house parties go, was awesome and we had so much fun dancing to the music and playing in the jump house (even though I had to intervene more than once with Ami's troubling decision to tackle the largest kid in there).
Lissette asked me to take pictures and I was on board for the 3pm-5pm pictures which do not require flash. I hate. hate. hate. flash pictures, particularly since my little Nikon d50 has a pee-wee flash, but luckily the night-time pictures weren't too bad since a tall desk lamp was put outside to light the pinata area. So all in all I a lot happier with the pictures than I thought I would be (not bad for bad lighting and only my 50mm lens).