24 February 2011

Goals// Nashville

Randomly decided that we need to move to Nashville. Well not randomly. It took somewhat of a lot of thought and some debate as to whether we would move to Portland or Nashville. And some convincing the hubs that we should move out of L.A. in the first place.

One of my reasons to move was that I want some old-school Americana. I want some old-timey US history; Some waves of grain, purple mountain majesties, and fruited plains. Mark thought I was nuts. But I think he is finally on board. We decided to go south since together we are more country/rock and less granola/folk. Although my folky side (mark lacks one) would also be indulged in Tennessee.

There are a lot of considerations and Mark is still hesitant to move somewhere where we would truly be a minority (not sure how many Mexican Jews there are in Nashville) but I don't think that should stop us. I figure we should at least move somewhere for a year to experience what life is like outside of CA. We are still young and have a relatively young child. Plus, Nashville (really anywhere that is not NY) is so much more affordable than L.A.

If all goes well, I (Tennes)see us in Nashville by 2014.

(coincidentally, I found The Secret Sisters in the middle of my moving debate and will forever see "Tennessee Me" as the Universe's sign pointing to the Music City. Lame, maybe, but it's my prerogative.)
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