15 February 2011

Goals// Book Edition

I have never been one to make resolutions, as I think I have discussed before here. I usually try to avoid disappointment, which is why I often times avoid committing myself to accomplishing anything (that sounds horrible.)

However, this year I decided to go against my acquired grain and make a commitment to myself. I promised myself that I would read at least one book a month. 12 books for 2011. While that should be easy given that last semester I read approximately one book a week, it is a lot harder to read for reading's sake than it is to read in an effort to prevent major embarrassment during class discussions.

I would like to report (to myself, because I am holding myself accountable) that so far I have not failed. Month one was a success; I read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which incidentally was an excellent beginning-of-the-year-book since it completely made me reevaluate my role as a mother in the year (and years) to come.

Now month two, I've begun two books. with approximately 2 weeks left I feel confident at least one of those will be finished. Let's see who keeps my attention longer: Ron Currie Jr. and his EVERYTHING MATTERS or Jack Kerouac and his DHARMA BUMS.
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